On Mon, May 22, 2006 at 07:52:56PM -0200, Rafael Aquino wrote:
> Hello ALL,
> I use to set all my systems to pt_BR.ISO8859-1, and everytime
> works perfect. The ports that are sensible for locale always uses
> the correct language (Apache, Postgresql, etc).
> After upgrate from 5.4 to 6.1, I realize that postgresql wasn?t starting
> up with rc.d script. Trying to mannualy start it, the message was that
> my database couldn?t support LATIN-1 (witch was, before upgrade).
> Also the characters that used to work in console (?, ?, ...) don?t work 
> anymore.

Something changed with locale support between 5.x and 6.x; check the
release notes, UPDATING, etc.  There's also a compatibility package.


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