Le 22/05/2006 à 10:14:58-0400, Andy Greenwood a écrit
> This is discussed in the openbsd pf page
> http://www.openbsd.org/faq/pf/logging.html#syslog

Thanks for the URL....but it's seem the shell script write on
        FILE=/home/pflogger/pflog5min.$(date "+%Y%m%d%H%M")

first before he push (by syslog) the log to a server.

Well, maybe it's impossible....:-(


Albert SHIH
Universite de Paris 7 (Denis DIDEROT)
U.F.R. de Mathematiques.
7 ième étage, plateau D, bureau 10
Heure local/Local time:
Mon May 22 16:19:32 CEST 2006
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