> I've noticed this behavior since 4.3, but it's just now starting to
> get really annoying.
> Whan I install a new application (from ports) I have to execute it
> with the full path until I start a new shell. (in sh, tcsh, and bash)
> What causes this behavior, and how can I fix it (cause newly installed
> apps to be executable without a full path)?

This is nothing new.   
Your shell reads up the stuff in its path when it starts up
and makes an internal table so it doesn't have to go fishing
around every time you type a command.   This is to speed up
response and cut down on unnecessary disk accesses. 

You can make it re-read the path and recreate that table 
with the 'rehash' shell command.


> ----
> DIT793# which sudo
> sudo: Command not found.
> DIT793# portinstall sudo
> ...
> DIT793# ll /usr/local/bin/sudo
> ---s--x--x  2 root  wheel  89020 May 15 13:31 /usr/local/bin/sudo
> DIT793# which sudo
> sudo: Command not found.
> DIT793# tcsh
> DIT793# which sudo
> /usr/local/bin/sudo
> DIT793# exit
> exit
> DIT793# which sudo
> sudo: Command not found.
> --
> Perfection is just a word I use occasionally with mustard.
> --Atom Powers--
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