On Wed, May 10, 2006 at 02:33:14PM -0400, Kris Kennaway wrote:
>>> Not everyone reads the questions list.  Heck, not even all the
>>> developers do, due to the low signal/noise ratio here.
>> Uh-oh! A mindset like this would explain a lot of things. :-(
>> Fortunately, there *are* developers here who do take users'
>> questions seriously.
> You missed the point.
> Signal = questions from users about FreeBSD technical support.
> Noise = lots of whining about the logo.

Kris, compared to the whole volume of technical questions, the
logo-related threads/postings are an infinitely small part.
I won't bother counting on- and off-topic postings in the last
couple of months to show how high S/N really is here.

> On the plus side, if you guys keep it up I'll be able to dramatically
> improve my view of the S/N ratio by adding those with nothing better
> to contribute than their indignation to my killfile (some are there
> already) so I *can* focus on the user questions.

Feel free to do so. You've been of great help on this list many
times before (thank you), so I'll hate being on your killfile, even
for tech questions. But since it's your spare time, I understand this.
Bye, Kris. Keep up the excellent work.

> Kris


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