If you are as dissatisfied with the new official logo 
as I am, then forward this email to the FreeBSD federation 
board of directors at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear FreeBSD federation board of directors:

I am upset with the manner in which it was decided 
that a new logo was needed.

Only posting a message that this was happening on the 
announcement list was an big mistake as it left out 
the users who promote FreeBSD at the grass roots 
level from knowing about it. An change of this 
magnitude should have been broadcast to all lists 
to get the widest based input possible.

I sincerely hope this deception was not on 
purpose as it looks that way.
Furthermore the new logo design is not satisfactory 
and does not represent the wants of the user community 
as shown by the multiple posts on the questions 
list of late.

My vote is for keeping the beastie image as the 
official FreeBSD logo and removing the sex toy 
logo from publication.

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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