On 5/8/06, Dan Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
In the last episode (May 08), Atom Powers said:
> No, my problem is with local login when the LDAP server is
> unavailable. It hangs for about two minutes before logging in. I
> think I've tracked this down to an nss timeout somewhere.

Newer version of nss_ldap have timeout veriables to adjust this, but
your best solution would be to set up another ldap server and put them
both in your ldap.conf so you'll never be without one.

Trying to, but even just half an hour ago ldap server 2 of 3 died,
first hdd in the mirror failed, second has inconsistancies... I hate
job security.

Perfection is just a word I use occasionally with mustard.
--Atom Powers--
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