Dejan Lesjak wrote:
> On Monday 08 May 2006 02:34, martinko wrote:
>> hello list!
>> i've just upgraded X11 from 6.8.2 to 6.9.0 and after starting up X11 it
>> displays a message saying that xkbcomp reports that it cannot find file
>> "pc/sk_qwerty". and therefore it reverts back to "default" or something.
>> this is very strange because i've been using the setting since X11 6.7.
>> it seems the file is missing in the latest X11. (?)
>> note that when it fails i can't, for instance, switch to console via
>> ctrl+alt+F?.
>> here is the setting in question from my xorg.conf:
>>      Option      "XkbLayout" "us,sk_qwerty"  # ++ 2005-03-13 mato
> Try
>       Option      "XkbLayout" "us,sk(qwerty)"
> Dejan

dejan, thanks, that seems to work! :-))
i haven't noticed it mentioned anywhere, though. :(

the other issue i've just noticed is that my keyboard layout switching
doesn't work as it used to. this is my setting i've been using:
    Option      "XkbOptions" "grp:shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll,compose:ralt"

note that i checked your previous advice in gnome via its panel. led was
turned on. so the problem is with "grp:shift_toggle" only.

any advice on this one pls ??


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