On Wed, 3 May 2006 03:49:43 +1000 (EST)
Ian Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tue, 2 May 2006 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>  > i've rebuilt everything that used glib-1.2* to use glib-2.10.* without a
>  > problem, with the exception of xmms (multimedia/xmms). 
>  > 
>  > xmms keeps installing glib-1.2. Then, glib-config is run, shows the 1.2
>  > version, which doesn't match the latest package (2.10.2, which does NOT
>  > support glib-config, but pkg-config instead) and the whole build process
>  > bails out (capture below).
>  > 
>  > Is it not possible to build  xmms with glib-2? 
>  > I tried setting the env GLIB_CONFIG to 2.10.2 with no luck. 
>  > 
>  > Should I uninstall glib-2, install xmms with glib1.2, then reinstall
>  > glib-2? 
> Beto, I don't know if this is a useful data point, but on 5.4-RELEASE I
> recently installed xmms from ports, and recall it whinged about the glib
> 2.6.3 version already installed, but said (as I recall - wish I'd saved
> the output) that it would build itself with glib-1.2 anyway, which I
> assume it must have.  So I would up with both glibs installed:
> paqi# pkg_info | grep "glib\|xmms"
> glib-1.2.10_11      Some useful routines of C programming (previous stable
> vers glib-2.6.3_1        Some useful routines of C programming (current
> stable versi taglib-1.3.1        Library for manipulating ID3 tags and Ogg
> comments xmms-1.2.10_3       X Multimedia System --- An audio player with a
> Winamp GUI
> Older versions, I know, but xmms is working fine.

Hi Ian, thanks for the info.

Yes, i had end up with that situation, but i believe glib2 was also needed for
other ports (gtk2, i think). This was causing some conflicts, as said before...
so decided to upgrade everything to glib2, which worked fine for all ports
other than xmms. 

As suggested by another poster, I'm trying other players :) (I realised i had
mplayer , xfce4media and xmms installed... mplayer works just fine with glib2,
so using it instead for now). 

Thanks for the help ,
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