jekillen wrote:

> On Apr 29, 2006, at 4:21 AM, Gerard Seibert wrote:
> > jekillen wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> On Apr 28, 2006, at 5:38 PM, Gerard Seibert wrote:
> >>
> >>> jekillen wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> Hello:
> >>>> I have had a problem with installing MySQL 5.0.18 on a FreeBSD v 6.0
> >>>> installation
> >>>> where everything seems to compile and install correctly but the 
> >>>> server
> >>>> crashes
> >>>> immediately on start up with permission to create/write it's .pid 
> >>>> file
> >>>> denied.
> >>>> Then the screen saver daemon refuses to start in X windows with a
> >>>> permission denied
> >>>> error. It originally worked fine. But at some point recently the
> >>>> screen
> >>>> saver quit working.
> >>>> When I went to Gnome preferences and tried to set the screen saver I
> >>>> was
> >>>> informed that the screen saver daemon wasn't running. When I tried 
> >>>> to
> >>>> have it
> >>>> start I was presented with the permission denied error and to check
> >>>> the
> >>>> $path
> >>>> variable.
> >>>> I tried installing MySQL twice, each time with the same problem.
> >>>> As I understand it, permissions in Unix are part of the file system
> >>>> format.
> >>>> The only possible link between MySQL and the screen saver daemon,
> >>>> possibly, is the
> >>>> mysql user needed to run mysqld.
> >>>>
> >>>> Could I have a corrupted file system in such a way as to cause
> >>>> permission problems?
> >>>>
> >>>> thanks in advance.
> >>>> JK
> >>>
> >>> Are you starting MySQL with the script in /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ upon
> >>> bootup?
> >>>
> >> Boy that was fast, I just posted this message a moment ago...
> >> No I was just testing it using the mysqld_safe --user=mysql & 
> >> approach.
> >>
> > It won't work that way.
> Sorry, yes it does work that way. I've done this on another
> machine running the same version of FreeBSD and the instruction
> specifically specify to start the daemon this way to test the install.
> (I installed from source on both machines using the same source
> tarball).
> Every time I start this machine I start MySQL manually this way.
> (Since this is a production server, it is up continuously and
> it doesn't have Xwindows installed)
> >  I made the same mistake once myself. You might
> > have introduced another problem however. The files created in
> > '/var/db/mysql' [probable have the wrong permissions set on them.
> This is a possibility, I'll check it out.
> >
> > The easiest fix would be to just remove that directory and then start
> > mysql properly. Usually '/usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server start' should
> > do the trick. The directories will be build correctly.
> >
> > At then end of the build of mysql are directions for creating users. 
> > You
> > do that after mysql has been started.
> not according to the instruction in the INSTALL-SOURCE.
> >  If you no longer have that
> > information, I can supply you with it.
> I'm confused as to the class of user to assign mysql to.
> It shouldn't be a user that anyone can login as, nor have
> it's own home dir or login shell should it? adduser asks
> and expects answers to all these questions. I don't recall
> what I did on the machine that is running mysql. I guess
> I could look at the password file on that machine to get
> some idea.
> Since the machine that won't start MySQL also has
> XWindows intalled, the kdm login prompt list mysql
> as a user that can log into a windowing session.
> That shouldn't be necessary at all. That is why I
> think the issue with the screen saver daemon
> is connected to this.

Just out of curiosity, are you installing MySQL from the ports system? I
am just wondering because I have never had to take any extraneous steps
to get MySQL up and running. After installing from ports, I would just
run the script in /usr/local/etc/rc.d and things would work fine.
Obviously, I had to place the mysql_enable="YES" notation in
/etc/rc.conf prior to starting MySQL. After that I would just create the
passwords, etc.

I guess there are more than one way to skin a cat.

Gerard Seibert

     The difference between sex and death is that with death you can do
     it alone and no one is going to make fun of you.

          Woody Allen
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