I'm running freeBSD 6 release (FreeBSD taurus.cruz 6.0-RELEASE FreeBSD 6.0-RELEASE #0: Mon Jan 2 01:42:42 EST 2006 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/FILESERV i386) and for whatever reason, i'm stuck in bourne. Sure, I can type "bash" and open a new shell that way, but it will not let me change the default at all :( I've tried bin, csh, and tsch, all with the same result: invalid argument.

Here are my shells (from /etc/shells)


I try to run chsh with flags, and I get this:
$ chsh -s /usr/local/bin/bash
chsh: entry inconsistent
chsh: pw_copy: Invalid argument

I try to run without flags,and it gives me

/etc/pw.ej2LjB: 7 lines, 150 characters.
chsh: entry inconsistent
chsh: pw_copy: Invalid argument

Any help on this is much appreciated.

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