On Sat, Dec 28, 2002 at 02:33:10PM -0500, Lowell Gilbert wrote:
> lewiz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >   I've just got a 3C589 PCCARD NIC going.  However, I'm using the BNC
> > (10Base2) connector so I need to specify ``media 10base2/BNC'' in
> > rc.conf.  However, if I do this DHCP doesn't seem to work.  Is there any
> > way that I can combine media 10base2/BNC and DHCP into pccard_ifconfig?
> Sure; just specify your own script, using pccard.conf. 
> Instead of the default pccard_ether, you can do a specialized script
> that sets the medium before invoking dhclient.

Thanks for this tip, it was most helpful.  After reading around a bit in
/etc/pccard_ether I found that there was an optional execution of
/etc/start_if.{if} and /etc/stop_if.{if} so I now have ifconfig ep0
media 10Base2/BNC in start_if.ep0.

  Thanks again,


We can defeat gravity.  The problem is the paperwork involved.
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