On 3/14/06, Vaaf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 16:13 11.03.2006, Andrew Pantyukhin wrote:
> >Can you think about giving root access to one of us?
> >
> >I would be glad to try and diagnose your issue, 'cuz it
> >looks like a brick wall.
> I would gladly do so if my server didn't store all this sensitive information.
> What is a brick wall?
> Thanks.

1. I only need an unprivileged account if you make changes
to /etc/make.conf and some other files at my request.
2. You should use watch(8) to monitor and log my actions in
3. A chrooted/jailed environment will be okay, if you can setup

A brick wall is something you can hardly go through.
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