On Sat, Mar 11, 2006 at 12:28:32PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Kris Kennaway wrote:
> >>The error message is wrong.
> >
> >Actually it's correct, just a bit unclear.  UPDATING includes the
> >complete procedure you should always follow when building world.  It
> >includes a 'mergemaster -p' step, precisely for the purpose of adding
> >new users and groups when they appear.
> Dear Kris
> I have a few questions related to this error message
> ERROR: Required audit group is missing, see /usr/src/UPDATING
> I know that updating requires the mergemaster steps because I read the 
> handbook. But I don't understand why this message tells me to look
> in that file, when there's nothing about that in it.
> Is /usr/src/UPDATING synonymous to 'the correct updating procedure'?


Updating Information for FreeBSD STABLE users

This file is maintained and copyrighted by M. Warner Losh
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.  See end of file for further details.  For commonly
done items, please see the COMMON ITEMS: section later in the file.

[...special items applicable to special situations...]


        General Notes

        To build a kernel

        To rebuild everything and install it on the current system.
        # Note: sometimes if you are running current you gotta do more than
        # is listed here if you are upgrading from a really old current.

        <make sure you have good level 0 dumps>
        make buildworld
        make kernel KERNCONF=YOUR_KERNEL_HERE
        <reboot in single user>                         [3]
        mergemaster -p                                  [5]  
        make installworld
        make delete-old
        mergemaster                                     [4]

> Or is there a file which describes how I can manually insert needed groups
> and users when I mess up mergemaster runs?

I think you can just rerun mergemaster -p.  If you mess up a full
mergemaster, you can use mergemaster -s to repair it.

> And finally, is it really necessary to reboot after 'mergemaster -p'?
> Lately I've skipped that step with no adverse side-effects, saves me one 
> reboot :-)

No, it just adds the users/groups, and rebooting won't gain you anything.


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