i did use cvsup to update the tree and it didn't bring this down. i will search the ports collection to see if it really exists and give it a shot

Garrett Cooper wrote:
Robert Huff wrote:

Steel City Phantom writes:

i have tried doing a make fetchindex and that had no effect. i manually upgraded portupgrade to the latest version and it still had no change. i don't have a /usr/ports/java/diablo-jdk1.3.1 but i have a diablo-jdk13 dir.

any ideas

    Yes: create /usr/ports/java/diablo-jdk1.3.1 (with proper
contents) and re-run.

                Robert Huff

I'm not sure how he updates the portage tree, but if he uses cvsup wouldn't it just erase his portage entries and he'd be back at square one?
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