Were you running as root and downloaded a bunch of large files in your /root
directory? =)
If so you should delete those files and su to your normal user account and
cd to your home directory then downloaded those large, needed files.
On Thu, 5 Feb 2004, Herbert Wolverson wrote:
> I have a system running FreeBSD 4.9-RELEASE. It primarily functions as a
firewall and
> router, and is generally pretty lightly loaded (load averages around 0.2).
> is a low end system (P200, 64mb RAM, 2 gig hard drive), and is generally
> stable as a rock.
> The system has drives setup as follows:
> /     256M (UFS)
> /usr  1.2gb (UFS+Softupdates)
> (/var and /tmp are linked onto /usr/var and /usr/tmp respectively)
> This morning I noticed that the "/" partition was at 108% utilization,
> and "df -h" looked like this (approximately):
> Filesystem    Size   Used  Avail Capacity  Mounted on
> /dev/ad0s1a   252M   256M  -8M    108%     /
> Oddly, "du -h -d1 -x" showed only a total of 29Mb used on the partition!
> The output looked like this:
> su-2.05b# du -h -d1 -x
>  68K    ./dev
> 2.0K    ./usr
> 2.7M    ./stand
> 1.3M    ./etc
> 512B    ./proc
> 4.0M    ./bin
> 542K    ./boot
> 2.0K    ./mnt
> 6.4M    ./modules
>  30K    ./root
>  12M    ./sbin
> 4.0K    ./tmp
> 4.0K    ./oldvar
>  29M    .
> When I rebooted the system (without deleting any files), "df -h" showed
> the following:
> Filesystem    Size   Used  Avail Capacity  Mounted on
> /dev/ad0s1a   252M    29M   203M    12%    /
> This is good, since the correct amount of free space now shows, and the
> server is back to running perfectly. Can anyone shed any light as to why
> this discrepancy happened in the first place? I'd love to know what I can
do to avoid ever having to worry
> about this again!
> Thanks,
> Herbert Wolverson,
> The Turner Stephenson Group, Inc.
> http://www.tsghelp.com/
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*       Free
tml>  space wierdness   Herbert Wolverson 

*       Free
tml>  space wierdness   Nathan C. Burnett 
*       Free
tml>  space wierdness   HOLLOW, CHRISTOPHER 
*       [FAQ]
tml>  Re: Free space wierdness   Lowell Gilbert 

*       [FAQ]
tml>  Re: Free space wierdness   Jerry McAllister 


















~Dallas Stephens 


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