On Wednesday 01 March 2006 09:42 am, Jordan Michaels wrote:
> We just had a similar situation with an NForce4 onboard GigE NIC. We
> were using a linux OS, but it turns out it was the 100mb switch we had
> it plugged into. Near as I can tell, the switch and the NIC had trouble
> auto-negotiating the connection rate. Once we connected the GigE NIC to
> a GigE switch, the NIC worked beautifully.
> I'm not sure what "MII read timed out" means, but the OS does see the
> NIC and appears to be attempting to use it. You may want to check to see
> if it's the switch you're connecting to rather then the OS you're running.
> HTH!
I have the same error when plugging into a D-Link DGS-108 gigabit switch or a 
Linksys Gigabit Workgroup switch.  Both work with the same computer running 
Linux, but I want to run FreeBSD on this box.

Thanks for the info though.

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