Hello Kristian,

Have you ever been able to do a buildworld sequence? What version of
FreeBSD are you trying to work with? What does your make.conf look
like? How about your /conf/ARBA (your custom kernel config)? What do
you have in your /etc/cvsupfile?

In my make.conf I use:
        CFLAGS= -O2 -pipe
        COPTFLAGS= -O2 -pipe
That's worked for years, well, a very long time anyway.

Comparing the same section in your script run, to mine, which was run
last night:

===> bin/csh (obj,build-tools)
grep 'ERR_' /usr/src/bin/csh/../../contrib/tcsh/sh.err.c | grep
'^#define' >> sh.err.h
cc -E -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -I. -I/usr/src/bin/csh
-I/usr/src/bin/csh/../../contrib/tcsh -D_PATH_TCSHELL='"/bin/csh"'
-I/usr/obj/usr/src/tmp/legacy/usr/include /usr/src/bin/csh/../../contrib
/tcsh/tc.const.c /usr/src/bin/csh/../../contrib/tcsh/sh.char.h /usr/src
/bin/csh/config.h /usr/src/bin/csh/../../contrib/tcsh/config_f.h /usr/src
/bin/csh/../../contrib/tcsh/sh.types.h sh.err.h -D_h_tc_const | grep
'Char STR' |  sed -e 's/Char \([a-zA-Z0-9_]*\)\(.*\)/extern Char \1
[];/' |  sort >> tc.const.h

===> bin/csh (obj,build-tools)
grep 'ERR_' /usr/src/bin/csh/../../contrib/tcsh/sh.err.c | grep
'^#define' >> sh.err.h
cc -E -O2 -pipe -I. -I/usr/src/bin/csh
-I/usr/src/bin/csh/../../contrib/tcsh -D_PATH_TCSHELL='"/bin/csh"'
-I/usr/obj/usr/src/tmp/legacy/usr/include /usr/src/bin/csh/../../contrib
/tcsh/tc.const.c /usr/src/bin/csh/../../contrib/tcsh/sh.char.h /usr/src
/bin/csh/config.h /usr/src/bin/csh/../../contrib/tcsh/config_f.h /usr/src
/bin/csh/../../contrib/tcsh/sh.types.h sh.err.h -D_h_tc_const | grep
'Char STR' |  sed -e 's/Char \([a-zA-Z0-9_]*\)\(.*\)/extern Char \1
[];/' |  sort >> tc.const.h

They look very similar except: you have -fno-stict-aliasing and I don't;
yours starts erroring before buildworld completes (looks to be about a
fourth of the way through) and mine builds to completion.

Your buildworld sequence appears to be a little lacking - either in the
detail you gave, or because some things are missing.
The buildworld sequence I us is:
 (I use the alternate step 10 when I run the sequence)

1)Script /home/script/buildworld/bw-”date run”
2)cd /usr/obj           pwd
3)chflags -R noschg *
4)rm -rf *
5)cd /usr/src           pwd             make cleandir   make cleandir
6)make buildworld && make buildkernel KERNCONF=customconfname
7)make installkernel KERNCONF=customconfname
9)shutdown now          <Enter>
10) <Enter>                     to accept default location of sh

alternate step 10
a)  shutdown -r now             <Enter>
b)  at boot menu        <6>
c)  boot -s                     <Enter>
d)  fsck -p                     <Enter>
e)  mount -u /                  <Enter>
f)  mount -a -t ufs             <Enter>
g)  swapon -a                   <Enter>
h)  cd /usr/src                 <Enter>
i)adjkerntz -i                  <Enter>

11)  script /home/script/buildworld/iw-”date run"
12)  cd /usr/src                pwd
13)  mergemaster -p
14)  make installworld
15)  mergemaster -i             “install everything”
16)  exit
17)shutdown -r now

This should help a bit.


Hello Don!

Thank you for some good help.

My make.conf only had some use.perl stuff.
I added your flags.

Also I've revised my sequence:

cvsup -g -L 2 /etc/cvsupfile \

&& cd /usr/obj \
&& chflags -R noschg * \
&& rm -rf * \

&& cd /usr/src ; make clean \
&& make buildworld \
&& make buildkernel KERNCONF=NINJA \
&& make installkernel KERNCONF=NINJA \
&& make installworld \
&& mergemaster \

And am now ready to give it another go :)

All the best,

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