Duane Whitty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Peter wrote:
> > This k3b program is great but it I find it very picky.  Currently it
> > cannot detect my DVD/CD burner (/dev/acd1) anymore.  It can find my CDROM
> > (/dev/acd0) allright but it claims the permissions may be wrong on the
> > burner.  I checked and these devices have the same permissions.  I even
> > gave them both 777 without success in detection.  They are also both owned
> > by root:operator and my invoking user is in group operator.  This used to
> > work great.  I haven't tried to burn anything recently so I don't know
> > when things fell apart but what I can say is yesterday I recompiled my
> > kernel.  I used the same config file with one line being added (for USB
> > 2.0 support; ehci).  Anyone have any ideas?  I'm running 5.4 although
> > today I was surprised that dmesg showed this:

> I have a similar problem in that k3b cannot find 
> my DVD/CD burner.  However I haven't received any 
> messages about permissions.
> On a hunch I started X as root and k3b was then 
> able to find my hardware.  This doesn't really 
> solve the problem but it was a quick work-around 
> for me until I figure this out.
> Note: I too changed permissions to 666 on 
> /dev/acd0 and /dev/cd0 to no avail.

The user needs to have access to /dev/xpt0 and /dev/pass0 as well.  


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