On 2006-02-17 11:29, David Banning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > It looks like nothing is bound to port 8025 on (localhost).
> >
> > You can do a sockstat and verify.
> root# sockstat -l | grep 8025
> tofmipd  python     238    5 tcp4   *:*
> root#
> sockstat verifies that I have 8025 open on port which
> is the IP address for all 7 domains. I don't understand why 8025
> -should- be bound to
> >From my persective, the fact that telnet banning.ca 8025 -looks- to
> is a problem. I would expect it to go to the DNS server,
> find the IP address and connect.

That depends, of course, on what your nsswitch.conf or hosts.conf file
has been set up for :)

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