Chris Maness wrote:

On Wed, 15 Feb 2006, Bob Perry wrote:

Chris Maness wrote:
This might be Newbie question:

What is the cleanest way to resolve stale dependency with gamin-0.1.5_3. I think I remember seeing a message that it merged into fam. I did a portupgrade -a, and it's still there. I was surprised this was not self cleansing because I used CVSUP to sync my port tree.

Hi Chris,
I ran into a stale dependency situation where I thought gamin-0.1.5_3 was replacing fam. I posted the issue and received the following command which replaced fam:

"You can only have one (fam or gamin) installed. The following command will replace fam with gamin:
> portupgrade -o devel/gamin -f fam"

I posted my message around 1/31. You may want to review archives and determine if this may apply to your situation.

Bob Perry

That fixed the stale dependency problem, but didn't fam merge into gamin. Isn't that what caused the issue in the first place?

Not sure Chris. However, I did not see fam, or gamin mentioned in /usr/ports/UDATING.

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