> anyone having WLAN working on an Acer Travelmate 290E? It doesn't
> seem to be detected at all on my laptop, which is a model 292ECli. As
> a Centrino laptop, it should have a Intel PRO Wireless 2200BG built
> in.

You could check it with pciconf -lv.
> I installed iwi-firmware from ports, built a custom kernel (world and
> kernel from -STABLE today) and checked that I have "options pci" and
> "options wlan" in it, just as man iwi says. I tried to load iwi as
> module with kldload, at boot time by setting if_iwi_load="YES" to
> loader.conf, and also tried to build it statically into the kernel.
> At no time, I get iwi mentioned in dmesg. kldstat says it is loaded
> when I load it dynamically.

I don't think you read and followed the port's instructions:

|You must choose the correct mode depending on how you want to
|use your adapter.
|For instance, to download firmware for BSS mode:
|  # iwicontrol -i iwi0 -d /boot/firmware -m bss
|The port has installed a startup script (iwi.sh). Add these lines
|to /etc/rc.conf to use it :
|  - iwi_enable (bool) : defaults to "NO", set it to "YES" to
|    use the startup script.
|  - iwi_interfaces (str) : defaults to "iwi0", override it to
|    change to interface names list (optional).
|  - iwi_mode_<iface> (str) : defaults to "bss", possible values
|    are bss, ibss and sniffer (optional).


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