Sunday 29 January 2006 12:36、Derrick Ryalls さんは書きました:
> Greetings,
> I did some searching, but didn't find anything so I was hoping someone
> might have a clue on this.
> I just did the compile for gnome 2.12 on FreeBSD 6 and so far most
> everything seems to work except the lower panel does not display the
> current running programs or the other virtual desktops.  I can alt-tab to
> the other programs in the same virtual terminal, and can use cntrl-alt
> (left/right) to get to the other terminals, but none show the normal bar at
> the bottom.  The top bar looks normal (has normal menus, clock, etc).  I
> hope this is just dependancy that needs to be rebuilt, but am unsure of
> which one do try.
> My install was something like this:
> Install Freebsd 6 using 6.0 release disc burned last month.
> Install basic packages via sysinstall
> At this point I tried portupgrade -NPPR x11/gnome2
> After many weird issue on out of date dependancies, I used the
> gnome2.12update script to fix the issues.
> After update script was finished, I executed a normal install: cd
> x11/gnome2; make install clean
> The final install did complete successfully and gnome has been running, but
> the bottom panel isn't working.
> Thanks in advance for any clues.

If I recall correctly (can't test at the moment due to hard disk failure) 
GNOME relies on DBUS working to get everything working proper.  I believe 
that the window list is part of that.  Try making sure that DBUS is in fact 
working.  You enable it by putting dbus_enable="YES" or similar (from memory, 
that hard disk thing) in /etc/rc.conf.  Since that only affects at boot time, 
either reboot or find the script (/usr/local/etc/rc.d/ somewhere, I should 
think) and start it.  Hope this does it for you,


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