Dan Swartzendruber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This has got to be something silly I'm doing, but the man pages don't 
> tell me what.  I've googled a fair amount and likewise nothing.
> Anyway...
> I've got a box running 6.0-RELEASE-p3.  Two network cards present, an 
> intel pro/100 (fxp0) and a cisco aironet card (ath0).  I want to 
> bridge the wireless users onto the LAN, but can't get it to work.  I 
> was told to use if_bridge instead of bridge.  Recommended steps:
> ifconfig bridge0 create
> ifconfig addm fxp0
> ifconfig addm ath0

ifconfig bridge0 create
ifconfig bridge0 addm fxp0 addm ath0 up
ifconfig ath0 up
ifconfig fxp0 up

> There has GOT to be something obvious and/or stupid here, but I'm
> stumped :(

I think you just missed a few "up"s.


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