On Thu, 2006-01-12 at 21:18, Nathan Vidican wrote:
> Have the nvidia driver installed on my laptop, it's running Linux/amd64... 
> I'm a 
> FreeBSD guy, and relatively new to linux. To be honest, not thrilled at all - 
> but it works, hardware support for this thing under FreeBSD's just not there 
> yet. So platform use aside, the problem should be fairly simple and the same 
> fix 
> on anything using nvidia's driver for x:
> My screen blanks, there are no settings inside of X, inside the 
> bios/power-management, or in kde, I even went so far as to disable power 
> management entirely... the screen blanks (like power/screen saver) after a 
> period of inactivity, really annoying. I havn't timed it, but figure it's at 
> about 5 minutes. Someone had mentioned in an email on this list before how 
> the 
> nvidia driver gives them the ability to screensave/powersave a while back 
> while 
> talking about something else; I only vaguely remember the thread and havn't 
> been 
> able to find it searching the archives - but was hoping that if someone out 
> there knows how it does it, perhaps someone else may know how to stop it.
> So anyhow, my question is this: How do I make it stop? I don't want my 
> laptop's 
> screen to turn off - especially so when it's plugged into a/c power, often 
> I'm 
> reading an article and it blanks on me - course I can just move the mouse and 
> things come back, but it is really annoying. Any ideas? Please no RTFM, I'm 
> not 
> a newbie over here - and I've been reading nvidia's documentation up and down 
> and can't find anything on the subject (though I did manage to find a few 
> other 
> cool tweaks).


According to the Nvidia site the drivers are different. You really
should ask your question on the linux list for the distro or even on the
x-windows list.


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