On Wednesday, 11 January 2006 at 18:30:24 -0500, Michael W. Lucas wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 12, 2006 at 09:43:55AM +1030, Greg 'groggy' Lehey wrote:
>> *sigh* Yet Another Undocumented Program.  "README" is 92 lines long,
>> half of which deals with installation issues.  I'll look later.
> It has a minimal GUI with some usable stuff for what I wanted.
>>> But OpenOffice's PDF export is far easier for
>>> preparing PDFs in general.
>> And ghostscript is even easier.
> If, say, you're the sort of guy who writes entire books in
> troff/mdoc/etc.  :-)

Even if you're not.

> From what I know of how you work, I imagine that flpsed would not be
> very helpful.

Not for that kind of work.  But I frequently get PDFs to comment on,
and it would be nice to be able to do so without looking like the poor
kid on the block who can't afford proper tools.

>> I thought your original requirement was to mark up existing PDFs,
>> and it still sounds like a good idea for that.
> That is the requirement: they send me the final PDFs with the page
> layouts all done, and their comments in the margins.  I go through and
> make my comments direct in the document, and then they have someone go
> through and rearrange according to my comments on their comments,
> strip out everyone's comments, and send it to the printer.
> Scary?  Yes.  Terrifying, actually.  But more and more web presses
> speak PDF.  It could be worse; they *could* speak only MS .doc...

Indeed.  I suppose the key here is that somebody tidies up what you
send back, so ultimately it's *their* fault when they make a mess of
it :-)

> And hey, I imagine that *you* of all people would understand dealing
> with publishers and printers.  :-)

Tell me about it.  At least O'Reilly allowed me to submit CFBSD in PDF
form.  All layout errors are my own :-)

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