I have one script in /usr/local/etc/rc.d that doesn't run. Any ideas why?
It is marked as executable
ls -l /usr/local/etc/rc.d/
-r-xr-xr-x 1 root wheel 441B Dec 30 20:36 start-program.sh
The script is just:
echo ----------------->>$log
/bin/date >>$log
echo Entering program.sh >>$log
case "$1" in
echo Starting program
echo ================= >>$log
echo Starting program >>$log
/home/root/bin/archivec.pl >> $log
echo beyond program call >> $log
echo No Stopping procedure yet
echo Need parameter
echo Valid parameter: start
A couple of times the log was written to.. although the script was not run..
but afterwards not even the log was changed.. as if the program did not get
run at all.
Any ideas?
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