On Tuesday 20 December 2005 16:54, rihad wrote:
> Is there a security branch for the FreeBSD ports collection? 
No, there isn't.

> Let's say, 
> I installed FreeBSD 6.0 together with all needed -RELEASE ports/packages
> (i.e., those on the CD). Running security/portaudit after a while
> reveals that some of the installed packages have vulnerabilities. Am I
> on my own to go grab the fresh ports tree, and upgrade the affected
> software, suffering all the intricacies of the move by myself? 

CVSUP & Portupgrade or portupdate makes this process very simple, they manage 
all the intricacies for you. Check out Dru Lavigne's article on protupgrade 
for a simple portupgrade how-to:
I update my ports with it all the time and rarely have problems. 

If you only want to track security vulnerabilities, just portupgrade the ports 
that have vulnerabilities - that would be roughly equivalent to tracking a 
security branch.

> Debian 
> GNU/Linux has its security package updates, OpenBSD has a separately
> maintained "errata" ports branch (it's very likely you still get to
> download a newer release of the software, though).
> Sorry if this is a bit OT. I've already asked this on freebsd-questions@
> but they told me there's no such thing at all.

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