On Sun, Dec 15, 2002 at 02:53:09PM +0000, lewiz wrote:
>   I've not really much (any) knowledge of QoS.  I am wondering whether
> it would be possible to de-prioritize bandwidth from a certain ip
> address?
>   Ideally I want a jail on my gateway for setting up downloads (using
> wget).  Since I am only on 56k this kills web browsing speeds for the
> other workstations -- if the jail were deprioritized it would kick in
> only if there was no other traffic.
>   Is this possible with QoS (or anything else) and if so, how?

  I've done a bit of hunting myself and I've come to the conclusion that
this _is_ possible through using DUMMYNET and IPFW (the controller for
dummynet).  However, having read the DUMMYNET and IPFW man pages and
searched Google for tutorials I have turned up very little.

  What I am trying to do: is a gateway w/ nat. is a downloading machine. are workstations.

  I only have a 56k modem, so if somebody is downloading something from the Internet access effectively stops for the workstations.
  Therefore I want to deprioritize Internet access from the downloading
machine so it only utilizes ``free'' bandwidth.  I guess this is almost
like setting the nice of a process to 20.

  Any ideas?  One useful page I've found is
http://info.iet.unipi.it/~luigi/ip_dummynet/ but I still don't think it
has quite what I want to do.


"Life would be much simpler and things would get done much faster if it
weren't for other people"
                -- Blore
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