On 2005-11-14 13:07, Mike Hernandez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On  Mon, Nov 14, 2005 at 05:59:40PM +0000, Alex Zbyslaw wrote:
>> I don't think so.  Keep track of which ports you deleted the
>> dependencies from, then when you have the whole
>> xorg-clients/xterm mess sorted out, just force a re-install of
>> those packages and the right dependencies will come back.
>> Time consuming, but not rocket science ;-)
>> I had to do something like that when interrupting
>> gnome_upgrade early seems to bugger everything a treat, but I
>> got everything back OK (I think!).
> Great ;) I'm still working on my first year with freebsd so
> this a great learning experience. Without getting too far OT,
> is there a quick explanation as to why xterm is a separate
> port? Does it take up so much space that it would "bloat" a
> standard Xorg/Xfree install?

New releases of xterm are made far more often than full X11
releases, so it makes more sense I guess.  Every time a new
version of xterm is out, you don't really need to download &
rebuild monster-tarballs with all the X11 sources.  A simple
portupgrade invocation takes care of updating just xterm:

    # portupgrade -vuN xterm

That's probably why it's a separate port.

- Giorgos

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