On Thu, Oct 20, 2005 at 11:29:17PM +0100, Charles Smyth wrote:
> Hi there,
> When I have downloaded the patches and parts from sun.com into the distfiles
> directory and run ?make  install? in /usr/ports/java/jdk14 for FreeBSD 5.4/6.0
> all goes okay apart from a prompt about also running make install again, with
> the Linux parts. Not doing this seems to work okay, as far as I can see. Do
> I need the Linux parts at all, since doing as the prompt asks, doesn?t seem
> to make any difference to what Java is doing.

The Linux Sun-JDK is required to bootstrap the native JDK build. Once
the native build completes and installs successfully, the Linux JDK
can be removed. The most common problem in getting the Linux JDK to
run properly is not mounting the linux procfs, as detailed in

Jonathan Chen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                                                 Vini, vidi, velcro...
                                         I came, I saw, I stuck around
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