> -----Original Message-----
> From: user [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2005 1:51 PM
> To: Gayn Winters
> Cc: 'Andrew P.'; freebsd-questions@freebsd.org
> Subject: RE: FreeBSD UFS2 snapshots, and math ... - resolved, 
> but two more Qs
> Folks,
> On Thu, 20 Oct 2005, Gayn Winters wrote:
> > > Imagine that each data block is marked with labels
> > > on change. It doesn't matter how many labels there
> > > are, there will be only one data block saved.
> > 
> > In trying to follow this thread, I started looking around 
> for a precise
> > definition of snapshot.
> > Man mksnap_ffs
> > wasn't too helpful, and googling for "snapshot" etc. wasn't 
> fruitful.
> > I'm guessing that the original author of the thread (user 
> at dhp.com)
> > may also need such a definition.  Can someone provide a pointer to a
> > specification or at least an RFC-like paper?
> I found one:
> http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/cvsweb.cgi/src/sys/ufs/ffs/README.s
> napshot?rev=1.4
> and further, I did some tests and discovered that what I was 
> being told
> (by you folks) was indeed correct.
> No matter how many snapshots you have, the changes in blocks since the
> tiem before the first snapshot is only recorded in one of 
> them.  That is
> to say, if I do the following:
> - create 4 1gig /dev/zero filled files
> - create a snapshot
> - overwrite one of those 1gig files with /dev/random
> My free space will have decreased by 1gig.  So far so good.
> If I then:
> - create a second snapshot
> - overwrite a different 1gig file with /dev/random
> My free space merely decreases by another 1gig.  It makes 
> sense to me now
> because it has occurred to me that since the second file had 
> not changed
> between the creation of the first and second snapshot, there 
> is no reason
> for _both_ snapshots to _both_ say "this 1gig random file used to be
> filled with zeros" - it would be redundant.
> So that's great ... but I am curious, how do they know ?  I think my
> previous assumption (that the first _and_ the second snapshot 
> file would
> _both_ have to record the change of file #2 from zero to 
> random) was based
> on the notion that these snapshot files were totally autonomous and
> independent, and had no general organization behind them.  If 
> that was the
> case, then I am still fairly certain both snapshots would 
> need to record
> the change of the second file.
> So what is the behind the scenes organization that makes it 
> possible for
> the snapshot files to not duplicate data like that ?
> I have noticed that if you:
> - dd 1gig /dev/zero file
> - create snapshot
> - overwrite that 1gig file with /dev/random
> (free space decreases by 1gig, as expected)
> - rewrite that 1gig file with /dev/zero again
> You _don't_ get that 1gig of free space back ... which 
> surprises me, since
> it was all zeros before, and its all zeros now ... how does 
> the snapshot
> know those are "different zeros" ?  And what ramifications 
> does this have
> for restoring, etc., if identical files do not get counted as 
> identical in
> the snapshot ?
> thanks.

I just finished skimming an old paper by McKusick on Soft Updates:
This paper is dated 1999.  Does anyone know if it accurately reflects
how soft updates and snapshots in FreeBSD 5.4 are implemented?  If so,
it would answer the above questions.


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