Micah wrote:
Siriphan Brigder wrote:

This page from the handbook will hopefully help you:


Good luck!

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Sudheer Gupta
Sent: 09 October 2005 22:51
To: freebsd-questions@freebsd.org
Subject: booting original kernel


I am using 4.1 BSD.
Made few changes to the kernel and compiled it. When trying to reboot using
the modified kernel, it throwed some page faults.
So, i booted using the older config namely kernel.old.
I again made few changes and recompiled the kernel with a new config.
Now, trying to boot the kernel, it neither boots with the latest nor the
older one.

How do I boot with original configuration ??


From the sounds of it, when you compiled your second kernel your kernel.old (the original generic kernel) was overwritten by your broken kernel leaving you with two broken kernels and no working kernels to boot from. If that's what happened you either need to reinstall FreeBSD or boot the install/rescue cd and try to copy the generic kernel from it.

That handbook page has a lot of good information, but most of it is preventative. The best suggestion is to always keep a working copy of the kernel seperate from the kernel.old that FreeBSD makes for you.

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Isn't there also /kernel.GENERIC that gets installed?
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