On Sep 27, 2005, at 12:40 PM, Kirk Strauser wrote:
On Tuesday 27 September 2005 10:27, Josh Ockert wrote:
There isn't a fuss. Someone asked for help. The only fuss is coming
Ted, who insists that any slight against Beastie is a Fundamentalist
Christian Crusade.
I get your point - truly, I do. I also get that Ted was being, well,
However, there *have* been people claiming that their Christian
sensibilities were offended by Beastie. On-topic or not, Ted's patch
still a darn funny response to those people.
Um...when this is supposedly an issue, how often is the reason cited
"professional", and how often is it because it's "offensive"?
How many people really do it because of the latter, but fall back on
citing the first?
I don't recall too many times where Tux causes "unprofessional" cries.
I can clearly see why Ted would assume that people's motives are based
on religious bias.
It's stupid to take it up as a major issue.
But it's more stupid to get offended by it in the first place.
I just heard a story in...where...Britain?...where Burger King is
pulling their ice cream cone covers because one person said the symbol
on it bore a resemblance to the Muslim word for Allah (correct me if
someone has the story in print to cite, please). He wants all Muslims
to refuse going to Burger King because of it, despite BK pulling them
off the shelf to redo them (it's just a swirling ice-cream symbol).
Look up how to disable the boot image, or code a way to easily plug in
your own custom images and have it slipped into the code base.
Personally I'd rather set the boot image to whatever I'd want, or make
it something functional (like BeOS had). Or...why are your BSD systems
rebooting so often that this is an issue?
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