On Mon, 2005-09-19 at 10:58 -0700, Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:

> And as for basic apps like wordprocessors and such - well I have to
> remind
> you that you yourself already argued in a previous post that this entire
> scenario of yours that your talking about here specifically dealt with
> apps that are more complex than that.  In other words the rules of
> engagement
> you set up for this discussion was specifically NOT home user apps, it
> was
> complex business apps in a work environment.  Now your dragging in home
> users which are a different deal alltogether.  Recall the OP wants to run
> IE to deal with vendor websites that are IE specific and already ruled
> out
> telling the vendors of these busted websites to fuck off (like a home
> user
> has the freedom to do) since he has to go to them for work.

Uh, Ted?  It really is customary to at least acknowledge and reply to
the proper author.  Mario Hoerich wrote about home apps; I did not.  So
Mario set no such "ground rules."  

Given how this thread appears to have turned into your own personal
soapbox to show heaven knows what, I'll bow out.  


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