bannour souha wrote:
I use a FreeBSD 5.3. I want to synchronize my 2
machines. I tried to connect to a ntp server, but I
couldn't. When I type this command "ntpdate -v", I have the following message:
"host found....
ntpdate ( : No route to host
ntpdate ( : No route to host
ntpdate ( : No route to host
ntpdate ( : No route to host server suitable for synchronization found"
I tried also with adding the server name to ntp.conf
and typing this command "/etc/rc.d/ntpdate restart",
but I have the same message.
the ping to responds very good
have you some idea? may be perhaps I have a proxy
, but I don't know what I must doing to synchronize my
Can you help me please?
Many thanks,
the NTP server is not the cause of your problem
it seems that *your* machine hasen't a direct
access to the Internet. ( no route to host )
Frank Bonnet
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