I have spent several hours now trying to get a Netgear MA 401 pccard running on 
my Acer Aspire 1310 with FreeBSD 5.4. It worked fine with 5.4 on another laptop 
of mine and the card is still working perfectly with Ubuntu Linux, so it seems 
that either my Laptop does not like 5.4 or I have configured something wrongly. 
I have used both the GENERIC and a customized kernel.

The pccard itself seems to be identified fine. Dmesg says:
cbb0: <02Micro 0Z6912/6972 PCI-CardBus Bridge> mem 0xc000000-0xc000fff irq 11 
at device 10.0 on pci0
cardbus0: <CardBus bus> on cbb0
pccard0: <16-bit PCCard bus> on dbb0

But the card is not recognised (actually it seems that no Pccard is 
recognised). When  I do:
# pccardc dumpcis
0 slots found

When I try to kldload if_wi I get warnings of this type:
module_register: module pccard/wi already exists!
Module pccard/wi failed to register: 17!
module_register: module pci/wi already exists!
Module pci/wi failed to register: 17!

I have googled for hours and tried very many different things but I can't find 
the right hint to why pccards are not found/registered. I would be so happy if 
someone could give me a clue on what I should do.

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