On Sat, 7 Dec 2002 08:35:01 -0000 , [EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Bob
Hall") wrote:

>I'm trying to set squid up as a transparent proxy. I'm able to 
>do everything except the transparent part. If I point a web 
>browser at squid, everything works fine. But it won't work 

(details snipped)

My setup is an internal net on 172.16/16 and an external net on The proxy is

The firewall router between internal and external has this:

># Transparent HTTP proxy: TCP packets to port 80 are forwarded to Squid
>$fw add fwd tcp from to any http out

and the proxy has this:

>$fw add pass all from to any
>$fw add fwd,3128 tcp from any to any http

I think my Squid setup is the same as yours.

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