Just installed on a new system and I am unable to boot.
Currently when that system boots it comes up with what looks like the
following example from the handbook
>> FreeBSD/i386 BOOT
Default: 0:ad(0,a)/kernel
from my reading this is a boot2 stage
booting from cd and going into Fixit it fdisk shows partition 1, 2, and
3 unused, and Freebsd is on partition 4.
I thought it should be on partition 1?
Note: on install I choose the Standard boot manager.
I have tried playing with fdisk and disklabel to try to cure this
problem, but continually get the example shown above.
With none of the above efforts working I have tried changing the boot
manager and no luck, both by reinstalling and just by using sysinstall
to modify the boot manager.I did get F1 FreeBSD when trying the FreeBSD
boot manager option, but it still did not start the system.
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