Good morning,

on Wed, Aug 03, 2005 at 08:41:53PM -0500, Denny White wrote:

> I had read where I needed to edit but couldn't find
> it. Then read the equivalent mc file for freebsd I needed to edit
> was /etc/mail/ to which I added:
>       `antivir-milter',
>       `S=unix:/var/spool/avmilter/avmilter.sock, F=T, T=S:10m;R:10m;E:10m'
> )dnl
> Then I did a `make install' to rebuild, what I thought, was
>, but it's looking like I was way off beam. Here's
> what's in /var/mail/maillog:

I looks like your avmilter never gets used. Please have a look at your
/etc/make.conf. This might include a line stating what sendmail mc file
to use for generating your individual


Than, the corresponding line in /etc/mail/ is:

INPUT_MAIL_FILTER(`avmilter',`S=inet:[EMAIL PROTECTED],F=R,T=S:10m;R:10m;E:10m')

This is exactly from the antivir-milter documentation, and the only thing I
did afterwards was 
        make install
        make restart
Since than, it's just working. Of course, I've set up a start script in
/usr/local/etc/rc.d that enables avmilter at system startup. Do you
probably have some older version? Mine is using sockets, not a pipe.

Does your avmilter listen on some port? (Mine is using default, 3333.)


      ,,Oh, there's a lot of opportunities, if you're knowing to take them,
                  you know, there's a lot of opportunities, if there aren't
                    you can make them, make or break them!'' (Tennant/Lowe)
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