[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gary W. Swearingen) wrote:

> Brian Henning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I would like to know a process to verify that I my cd burner has
> > burned an ISO file correctly with burncd. I know I can take some
> > precautions like checking the md5sum of the iso during a transfer from
> > the Internet. I also read on the Internet that burncd does puts some
> > extra padding at the end of the cd. I am not sure if that is true or
> > not. Could someone tell me how to verify a cd burn?
> Here's a crummy script I just used to burn and verify a CD, but I've
> only tested it with the "cdrecord" setup.  Older versions of it worked
> with "burncd" on older OS versions, but I can tell you that the reason
> I'm using "cdrecord" is that my manual efforts to do this with
> "burncd" on 5.4-RELEASE (and maybe 5.4-STABLE a couple weeks ago)
> failed, because I couldn't "dd" a CD burned with "burncd". (IE, I
> couldn't sucessfully "dd" /dev/acd0, while I could "dd" /dev/cd0).
> (Search this for "diff" to find the "verify".  ISO images generally
> get an extra two blocks of something on the CD "for run-out". See
> "-isosize" description of "cdrecord" manpage.)

Not generally, only if you burn in TAO mode.

BTW you can use readcd -c2scan to check the burning quality at
a deeper level and there even is a patch out there to make reading
c1 error pointers possible. Haven't tested it though. 


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