Sorry for the URGENT line. I have a critical server running 5.4-
RELEASE-p1. It is a dual AMD MP 2800+ (Gigabyte board) with 4GB RAM
and an Adaptec 2100S raid controller.
Running (obviously) an SMP kernel. I recompiled the kernel this
afternoon and changed one line -- the
options HZ line from HZ=1100 to HZ=400 as a test of PHP
performance. That was the only thing changed (the machine had been
up since I installed 5.4 on it June 1). I built and installed the
kernel and tonight I rebooted the machine.
Now when it boots it comes up and
real memory = 3758030848 (3583 MB)
avail memory = 3678240768 (3507 MB)
AP #1 (PHY# 1) failed!
panic y/n? [y]
What does this mean (and what do I do about it)?
I am off to Google but as I am in a real tight spot I thought I would
ask for some help asap before I go and try and figure this out.
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