On Tuesday, 19 July 2005 at 13:25:39 +1000, Warren Toomey wrote:
> Hi, I have recently installed FreeBSD 5.3 on a Dell Poweredge 650 server,
> and it has panicked twice in the past 3 weeks. Unfortunately, the box is
> in a server room for which I don't have a key, and access can take hours.
> I would like the box to dump core and reboot on a panic. I think I have set
> the box up to do this, but on the last panic it didn't reboot. I followed the
> information at http://www.bsdatwork.com/2002/03/29/system_panics_part_1/,
> and I have compiled a kernel with makeoptions DEBUG=-g, options KDB,
> /etc/rc.conf has these lines: dumpdev="/dev/ad6s1b",
> dumpdir="/usr/local/var/crash". The box has 768M of RAM, ad6s1b has
> at least that much space, and is configured as swap.
> Can anybody tell me what have forgotten to do to make the box reboot on
> a panic? Many thanks in advance,

Where does it hang?

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