I'm working on a 5.4-REL test installation on my main desktop machine. Hardware specifics:
        MSI MS-6378 MB
        AMD Athalon 1800 @ 1536
        256 MB memory
        2 x Maxtor 30 GB drives
        Zip 100 ATA
This will be a learning installation. I have some past experience with OS/2 Warp 3 and Redhat 5.1 (no, you don't get to guess my age) on much smaller drives.

Q1:  I have two drives, laid out as follows:
Drive 1
/ad0a     WinXP, NTFS, 16.06GB, primary
/ad0e     data, NTFS, 12.58GB, extended

Drive 2
/ad1a     currently empty, 14.36GB, primary
          (installation target)
/ad1e     /ad0 backup, NTFS, 14.27GB, extended

I'd like to use XP's NTLDR to manage the dual boot process. I've seen the following trick for Linux ( www.redhat.com/advice/tips/dualboot.html):

- Boot into Linux, copy the first sector of the boot partition as follows:
        dd if=/dev/hdb of=/bootsect.lnx bs=512 count=1
- Move bootsect.lnx to WinXP root (C:\), and add the following line to boot.ini:

Does this approach work with FreeBSD? Logic says it should, given the similarities, but when has logic applied consistently to computers?

Q2: Failing that, does anyone out there have any experience with PowerQuest's (now Symantec) BootMagic boot manager (p/o Partition Magic 8.0) and FreeBSD? The documentation indicated that it will recognize Linux partitions, but says nothing about FreeBSD.

Q3: Partitioning
Yes, I know you've seen several million questions on partitioning schemes. I've read up on it, and I'd like to get some feedback on this plan. All slices would be p/o ad1a, which has approx. 14,704MB free.

        /               128M
        /usr    8192M
        /home   3312M
        /var    1024M
        /tmp    1024M
        swap    1024M  (4 x physical)

Thanks in advance,

|     George Ruch
|     "Is there life in Clovis after Clovis Man?"

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