Give ME a break. You're only stating the obvious: the more 
daemons are running, the more exposure. This particular box 
is running BIND 8, a transparent Squid proxy, and SSH. BIND
is sandboxed and Squid is running as a nonprivileged user.
Squid is also set not to take requests from outside. 

I wasn't the one who configured it; I've been asked to 
analyze it.


At 11:56 PM 7/6/2005, Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:

>Sure, FreeBSD 4.11 is very easy for a remote attacker to root.
>All you need to do is let a user on it setup some convenient
>password like the word "password" for the root user, and use
>the same on an easy-to-remember userID
>like "sam" or "bob", then put a DNS entry in for it like
>"" and post that on a popular website
>and it shouldn't take but a few days for it to get rooted.
>Other than that, give me a break, Brett.  If this is a router and
>an out of the box install then there's no services turned on
>that can be rooted.  Is it customary to run a webserver on your
>router nowadays?
>Give us a list of services this box is running and we can give
>you a better idea of how easy it might be to root.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Brett Glass
>>Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2005 9:42 AM
>>Subject: Has this box been hacked?
>>A client had a network problem, and I wanted to make sure that 
>>his FreeBSD 4.11 
>>router wasn't the cause of it, so I rebooted it. I then did a 
>>"last" command 
>>and saw the following:
>>root             ttyv0                     Tue Jul  5 12:01 - 
>>12:05  (00:04)
>>admin            ttyp0    localhost        Tue Jul  5 11:57 - 
>>11:57  (00:00)
>>root             ttyv0                     Tue Jul  5 11:49 - 
>>12:00  (00:11)
>>reboot           ~                         Tue Jul  5 11:49
>>shutdown         ~                         Tue Jul  5 11:47
>>root             ttyv0                     Tue Jul  5 11:37 - 
>>shutdown  (00:10)
>>reboot           ~                         Tue Jul  5 11:36
>>shutdown         ~                         Tue Jul  5 05:36
>>shutdown         ~                         Tue Jul  5 11:22
>>Note the "shutdown" entry with the time 5:36 AM, which is odd 
>>because it's out of 
>>chronological order and the other logs don't show the typical 
>>debug messages
>>at that time. Where might such an entry come from? How likely 
>>is it that the box
>>has been rooted? Are there known exploits that might have been 
>>used to root a
>>FreeBSD 4.11-RELEASE machine? (The only unusual activity I can 
>>see in the logs is a 
>>few attempts to log in as "root" via SSH. The attempts that 
>>were logged were
>>not successful, but of course a skilled attacker would cover 
>>his tracks.)
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