On Fri, 2005-07-01 at 11:33 +0200, Andreas Rudisch wrote:
> On Fri, 2005-07-01 at 18:18 +1000, Warren wrote:
> > ok, this worked an updated the Azureus version, but now not one of my 
> > torrents 
> > is downloading, even though there all showing green and testing the ports 
> > from 6881-6889 all work in the NAT/Firewall test and were all downloading 
> > before upgrading.  What is new/changed that may perhaps be stopping the 
> > torrents from d/l ?
> http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/htdig/freebsd-questions/2005-June/089802.html
> Since version Azureus does NOT work with Java 1.5 correctly
> anymore, so you will have to edit the azureus start
> script /usr/local/bin/azureus to use Java 1.4:
> find and change the following variable: JAVA_VERSION="1.4+"

oh, and make sure you have Java 1.4 installed of course.

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