Thanks Stuart for reminding me of my alternative install options. 
I'll try installing over serial tomorrow.  I've never had to install
off anything but a CD, so it will be a good learning experience for me
anyway.  Now to just dig out that old 486 and track down a Null modem
cable. . . .

Daniel, I'm still a little stumped why you were able to install 5.4 on
a GX280 without any problems.  Maybe there is some slight variation in
the Dell systems even though they are the same model #.  Who knows? 
Or maybe a slight difference in our BIOS configs.  At least there is a
workaround - if not a very convient one.


> > I've had a nightmare trying to get 5.4 (also tried 5.3) to work on a
> > Dell GX280 - which had exactly the same problem. In the end, I ended up
> > using a serial link to get the install done and then got inetd setup so
> > that I could troubleshoot over the network.
> > This didn't help long term as the keyboard didn't work once I'd
> > restarted after finishing the install. I stumbled on this script which
> > seemed to do the trick:
> >
> > .html
> > I used telnet to get at rc.conf - but there probably are other better
> > ways.
> > It seems a shame that Dell (and other manufacturers) are phasing out old
> > 'legacy' hardware like the good ol' PS/2 ports. It's just a good job
> > that they didn't kill the serial port on this particular machine! (yet)
>  that sux, indeed :-(
> > Hope this helps,
> > Stuart
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: John Vaughan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: 21 June 2005 22:10
> > To:
> > Subject: 5.4 Installation Problems on Dell GX280 - Fatal trap 12
> > I am trying to install FreeBSD 5.4 on a Dell GX280 and am getting a
> > Fatal trap 12 supervisor write, page not present error.  From what
> > I've read, this is an ACPI problem which I could disable if I had a
> > PS2 port, but the GX280 doesn't have them.  Has anyone gotten 5.4 to
> > run properly on a GX280 using option 7 to boot with usb keyboard?
> > -John
>  So long, I can say that I'm able to use gx280 on 5.4. I was able to
>  install it from CD with usb keyboard using option 7 - boot with usb
>  keyboard. No fatal trap 12. The only problem I had is that I wan't
>  able to use HTT.
>  (but it was my fault I think :-) and since it is considered to be
>  harmful and it doesn't really boost up machine's performance, I'm
>  not solving it.)
> --
> Best Regards,
>  DanGer, ICQ: 261701668  | e-mail protecting at:
>  | proxy list at:
>                          | FreeBSD - The Power to Serve!
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