On Monday 06 June 2005 18:21,  the author Kris Kennaway contributed to the 
dialogue on-
 Re: pkgdb problem: 

>On Mon, Jun 06, 2005 at 05:30:01PM -0700, Vizion wrote:
>> On Monday 06 June 2005 15:32,  the author Kris Kennaway contributed to the
>> dialogue on-
>>  Re: pkgdb problem:
>> >On Mon, Jun 06, 2005 at 02:14:16PM -0700, Vizion wrote:
>> >> Hi
>> >>
>> >> I managed  to get my pkgdb entirely screwed up - and there is now no
>> >> database.
>> >>
>> >> I tried pkgdb -fu
>> >> And was told there were 0 pkgs!
>> >>
>> >> How do I rebuild from scratch?
>> >
>> >If you accidentally delete your /var/db/pkg directory then the only
>> >way to recover it is to restore from backup.
>> Ooooooooooooooh dear
>> are there no recovery scripts - I lost my var partition - and the back up
>> was overwritten by a blank db!!
>No, the information is only stored within that directory.
>> I have a file listing of all the packages installed on the system - an
>> output from pkg_info.
>> Do you happen to know if there is any way I can at least get that into the
>> pkgdb?
>Feed it to portinstall to reinstall all of the ports.

Sounds like a long process and a sledge hammer to crack a nut - but I guess if 
one has no other tool a sledge hammer will have to do !!!

David <sighs>

BTW It looks as though I may have solved the eclipse-devel help bug - I have 
RC1 working now and am testing it to death.

40 yrs navigating and computing in blue waters.
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