Multihoming two wan links can be accomplisheed by using zebra or just ipfw
and natd.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Muhammad Reza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2005 6:32 AM
Subject: Re: two ISP connections, three nics, and a NAT

> At 11:06 AM 5/12/2005, you wrote:
> >
> >> I have two ISP connections, a DSL line and a Cable Modem line. I want
> >> to plug both connections into a FreeBSD box that has three nics in
> >> it, one nic for each ISP connection and the last nic for my NAT. How
> >> can I bind the connections together without any other sort of router?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > I setup something similar that may be useful.... We have a small
> > office with a 12/24ths of a T-1 line for an absurd amount of money as
> > our primary connection. Cheap residential cable service became
> > available with quadruple the bandwidth [incoming only] for cheap.
> >
> > I installed an extra NIC the to cable modem and setup the Squid proxy
> > / cache on a f'bsd box that was already running other services. Then
> > used some Squid options and IPFW to get all Squid's traffic running
> > over the cable line. This gets us faster web and ftp downloads, and
> > off-loads the T-1 for other things.
> >
> > -Wayne
> > _______________________________________________
> >
> I have similar network configuration (dual home ISP without routing
> protocol enabled), and looking for some solution with BSD robust TCP/IP
> stack.
> PF came with this solution;
> but this solution is based on packet filtering anyway, not routing. You
> no need to specified your default gateway and you will have problem if
> you have Squid running on your gateway box or have NAT rule, that
> translate your host public address into private LAN host  address, and
> (maybe) many more...
> Meanwhile, my gateway box is Linux-2.4.x with iproute2, and can
> accomplished this matter.
> But i really want to change this into *BSD, i heard that guys from
> OpenBSD work on this
> (, Permit multiple default route), but
> not worked in my test.
> .. what about FreeBSD ?
> regards
> .:NewBie:.
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