Hello all,

Is there any disk space problem in anoncvs1.freebsd.org?
I can not update the ports tree and I get an error message
"No space left on device". At first I thought it was my box,
but I have plenty of space.(
nik:0:~$ df -hi /tmp /usr
Filesystem          Size   Used  Avail Capacity iused   ifree %iused  Mounted 
/dev/ad0s1a         5.0G   2.0G   2.9G    40%    4879  320751    1%   /
/dev/ad0s1e          68G    62G   5.3G    92%  535962 3929188   12%   /usr

Script started on Thu May 26 15:11:47 2005
 -> main loop with [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/ncvs
 -> Starting server: ssh anoncvs1.freebsd.org -l anoncvs cvs server 
S-> my_module (ports, Updating, , )
S-> Lock_Cleanup()
? ports/INDEX
? ports/databases/firebird/work
? ports/dns/bind9-dlz/Makefile.inc
? ports/dns/powerdns/Makefile.inc
? ports/editors/openoffice-1.1-el/work
? ports/lang/fpc/work
cvs [server aborted]: cannot 
open /tmp/cvs-serv70603/ports/x11-toolkits/jx/CVS: No space left on device
cvs [checkout aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages if 
 -> Lock_Cleanup()

Script done on Thu May 26 15:29:36 2005

Thanks in advance

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