Hi list,

  I installed the 5.4-Release an updated to 5-Stable on a friend's
notebook Toshiba A20.
  A problem the I never seen before is happening.... when he start the
X, all the keyboard keys have a lot of repetitions....

  I Tried to change the following /etc/rc.conf parameters: 

pcvt_keydel="750"       # key repeat delay, 0-3 (250,500,750,1000 msec) (or NO).
pcvt_keyrate="5"        # keyboard repetition rate 31-0 (2-30 char/sec) (or NO).


I tried too the following option in the xorg.conf
Option             "AutoRepeat" "1000 10"

And finally I tried to change the timing using KDE.

The repetition raise after this changes but still occurs...

some more ideas ?

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